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By: Josh Drury on April 25th, 2024

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Custom Dry Ice Storage Bins

Beverage Solutions

Dry ice is a critical component for preservation in a number of industries, from food manufacturing and medical applications to automotive, aerospace and pharmaceuticals. By its very nature, dry ice (as opposed to wet ice) is prized for its antibacterial properties, lack of residue, and its ease of use for cleaning medical and electrical equipment via dry ice blasting.

In the beverage industry, dry ice enables a quick and efficient carbonation process. Simply adding dry ice pellets to liquid causes sublimation, which releases carbon dioxide gas and creates fizzy effervescence. With so many uses across so many industries, dry ice storage is an utmost concern at the commercial level. 

Ratermann Dry Ice Storage Bins


Ratermann’s dry ice storage boxes are USDA approved polyethylene containers designed specifically for holding and transporting dry ice in all its forms (pellets, discs, slices or blocks). Boxes are built to withstand the extreme cold temperatures of dry ice while remaining rugged, durable, and virtually unbreakable for daily use.

Because every application has different requirements, our dry ice boxes can be customized by adding casters, rubber gasket seals, drains, and branded labels. (See our recent performance testing on gasket vs. non-gasket dry ice bins and how that affected preservation.)

Dry ice bins come in a wide range of storage capacities, from four to 40 blocks, and are ready for quick shipping. Constructed of double-wall polyethylene filled with urethane foam insulation, our bins are lightweight and easily transportable.

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