Ratermann Learning Center

Ratermann Launches NEW Group For Women Distributors!

Written by Ratermann Manufacturing Inc. | Jan 13, 2021 3:32:57 AM

Marie Ratermann and Mary Carter of Ratermann Manufacturing launch a women’s networking and professional growth group for gas distributors and association employees.

Marie Ratermann recalls where the inspiration for the group came from, “We grew up watching our grandma run a gas distributorship with our grandpa and our mom sell specialty gas in the Silicon Valley during a time when there weren't many women in the industry. Mary and I have always talked about wanting a place where we could network and learn from other women in our industry which is why we are so excited to create the Women’s Round Table!”

“There are so many incredible women in this industry, Mary Carter explains, some have grown up in this industry like us and others are great businesswomen who are emerging into our industry and we wanted a space to be able to support them. It is so exciting to see gas distributorships now women-led or owned. We have a lot of passion towards supporting women and are elated to learn with the women in our industry.”

Marie Ratermann continues, "The Women’s Round Table by Ratermann Manufacturing will bring women who work at gas distributorships; Owners, Executives, Sales Women, Marketers, Young Professionals, and Seasoned Professionals to one space virtually where we can discuss challenges like penetrating new markets and ideas to help one another grow professionally.” 

When asked how to join the Women’s Round Table Group, Mary and Marie explained, “Current spots have been filled but we are working on a creative way to be able to support more women that work at gas distributorships. If you are interested in joining we would absolutely love for you to reach out to us, our emails are mary@rmimfg.com and Marie@rmimfg.com .”