Ratermann Learning Center

Diagnose and repair your own dewars

Written by Ratermann Manufacturing Inc. | Sep 17, 2016 6:14:11 PM

The first step in "Do-lt-Yourself" Cryogenic Liquid Cylinder Repair is to Simplify the NER I Vacuum Quality Tests. You need an accurate easy-to-use instrument that will reliably determine vacuum quality without the repeated weighing, calculating, and waiting over several days that is suggested by the manufacturers.

The tool you need:

The NER/VacChecker

The NER I VacChecker System comes with attached Info/Instruction Cards that list the average acceptable NER Values for all types of portable cryogenic liquid cylinders. By comparing the reading on the NER/Vac checker meter with the card you will quickly determine whether  your tank has a Good Vacuum or not. If your tank has a good vacuum, you can, in virtually all cases, make the needed repair yourself, by using the Repair instruction Booklet included with every NER I VacChecker shipped!

By using the process of repair elimination first, to determine where the problems lies,you save the unnecessary cost and downtime of shipping tanks back to the manufacturers for simple repairs you can do yourself.



The NER/VacuumChecker comes with:

  •  technical information and support needed to check your vacuum and repair your dewar
  • instructions on how to repair your dewar 
  • A conveinent ordering service to get all of the correct cylinder parts you need to repair your dewar.

Pays for itself

The price of the NER/vacChecker System is less than the cost of accidently shipping one good vacuum tank out for an unnecessary repair. It is the instrument that virtually pays for itself in savings to you!


For information on the NER/VacuumChecker from Ratermann Inc call us at 1.800.264.7793